Ankitha Pille - CS5760 - 2016 Spring

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Masters in Computer Science

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This website contains files for CS5760 - Human-Computer Interaction: Usability Testing including evaluation assignments for Team 6 and my topic assignment. .

Research Topic

Victim Evacuation from a building under disaster

Research Topic Assignments

Application Evaluation

App Idea: Allow Citizen Scientists to utilize WEPP model for predicting hillslope scale erosion

WEPP utilizes climate, topography, soil, and vegetation properties to predict plant growth, residue decomposition and soil water balance on a daily time step and infiltration, runoff, and erosion on a storm-by-storm basis. WEPP can predict runoff, erosion and sediment delivery by a single storm event, month, year, or by average annual values for either an individual hillslope or a watershed containing many hillslopes, channels and impoundments.

Evaluation Assignments