How the usability tests went: - Minor usability issues - Slow map loading - Difficulty with locating certain areas (wanted a location search) - Users wanted a legend for the FIPS map - Users got confused when the map would change colors when they zoomed (b/c different maps used at different scales) - Users were confused when the map didn't always change based on year selection What we're happy with about the app: - Completed the original goals - Learned a lot about ArcGIS What we'd do if we had more time: - Replace ArcGIS default basemap w/ USGS historical topos - Add historical geolocation search - Add modern geolocation search - Ask for year on page load - Make the app speedier What Don/friends wants in the future: - "Sphere of influence" on clicking point should be bigger than the point - Tutorial on first load - Get rid of ArcGIS default basemap - Integration with the other time traveler apps - Marcus will continue to work with the scientists over the summer to complete the app