Team 2: Wisconsin DNR Water App Stakeholders: Adam DeWeese, Christopher Hartwig Tech Lead: Cory Kroes Developers: Cameron Pollock, Mark Schlax, Nichole Mackey, Sophia Farquhar, Jordan Gagnon, Cory Kroes Graduate Students: Briana Bettin, Rohith Pagadala Our application has the cability to be used on or offline. The purpose of the application is to solifiy the process of completing a water inspection for the Wisconsin DNR. Currently, water inspections are completed on a paper form. The application mimics this form by matching the accordian tabs to the elements on the form. To install our application, simply unzip the project folder and open the index.html file. There are no special requirements for running our application as we developed it entirely in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The user is able to complete the form as they normally would on the paper handout and print the form once completed with the inspection.