The Creative Types

Welcome to the website of CS4760 Team 2 The Creative Types



This post contains a copy of our App Description document: Link

This post contains a copy of our Stakeholders and Users document: Link

This post contains a copy of our Use Scenarios document: Link

Other Information

Brief overview of the system, including the device and any other device used by the system.
  The devices that will be used are mobile smart phones and other mobile browsers.
  The mobile browsers are likely chromium based and have HTML 5 compatibility.
  The system will be used in the residential areas of the users.
  The system will have a verity of embedded videos and linked slide-shows.
  The system will also be able to redirect users to other resources.

Descriptions of the environment that users will be in while using the device and performing tasks
  The users will most likely be using the app on a mobile device inside their place of residence.
  It is also possible that they could be using the app while doing activities the app suggests,
  like setting up a water harvesting site, but it is unlikely it would be far from their place of residence.

Simplified hierarchical task interaction design