CS4760 Team 5: 5upply Lads HTA

1: Create supply chain network

        1: Add Nodes

                1.1: Choose Node Type

                1.2: Configure Node variables

                1.3: Choose location on supply chain network for Node

        2: Edit Nodes

                2.1: Choose a previously created node

                2.2: Configure Node variables

        3: Delete Nodes

                3.1: Choose a previously created node

                3.2: Remove Node from the supply chain network

plan 0: Combination of steps 1, 2, and 3 until finished

2: Run supply chain network simulation

        1: Play Simulation

                1.1: Editing nodes turned off

                1.2: Simulation runs

                1.3: Output/results calculated

                1.4: Output/results shown in UI

        2. Stop Simulation

                1.1: Simulation stops running

                1.2: All final calculations are displayed

                1.3: Editing nodes is turned on

plan 0: Steps 1 - 2

3: Export supply chain network results

        1: Export Simulation

                1.1: Current simulation is stopped

                1.2: Application parses through nodes

                1.3: Text file created and prompt user for file name

                1.4: Nodes and connections are written to text

                        1.4.1: Schema for node to text:

                                - <Node Type> <Number> < X,Y Position>

                        1.4.2: Schema for node connections to text:

                                - <Origin Node Number> < List of Node Numbers to connect to>

                1.5: List of output results at end of text file

plan 0: complete step 1

4: Import supply chain network

        1: Import Simulation

                1.1: Current Simulation is stopped

                1.2: Prompt user for name of a text file

                1.3: Application parses through the text file using

                        previously mentioned schema in (3) Export

                1.4: Sets current settings based on parsed information

plan 0: complete step 1