Team 5 Pre-Interview Notes 2

Scientist/Client Names:

Leo Ureel II (Scientist)

Meara Pellar-Kosbar (Assistant)

Meeting Date & Time:

January 28th, at 5:30pm - 6:30pm EST

Meeting location or media:

Online through Zoom

Zoom Link: 

Meeting ID: 473 636 9241

Passcode: ksdg27

List of team members and interview roles:

Audrey Schmitt - Scribe

Austin Sopha - Moderator

Christian Clemmons - Moderator

Foenix Szot - Scribe

Kevin Cornell - Facilitator

Marie Zgurich - Follow-up questions

Ivona Gorgioski - Consultant

List of questions in expected order to be asked:

  1. Does our current App Description seem functional?


  1. Will each node have an individual configuration? (For example, will supply nodes all produce goods at the same rate, or should this be something that is configured by the user?)

Nodes of the same type can function the same (i.e. all supply nodes function the same, but a supply node functions differently than a demand node obviously)

  1. Global or isolated/local simulation?

No preference. For ease of research and simplicity, we will most likely make the simulation focus locally on Copper Harbor/The U.P.

  1. Singular product or multiple products?
  1. Local - Copper

No preference. For ease of research and simplicity, we will most likely make the simulation focus on a single product. In this case copper would be the most likely candidate.

  1. Global, single product’s market - Toilet paper (Covid)

Not focussing on Global at this time

  1. Should the user be able to change the values in the nodes as the simulation is running? (see proposed gameplay loop in app description)

The simulation should not be able to be adjusted or manipulated while the simulation is running. To make adjustments, the user will need to stop the current simulation, make the adjustments, and re-run the simulation.

  1. Do you want the supply chain to be a long term or short term simulation? (or rather, is this something that the user should be able to specify?)

Will need further research to determine what the time scale should be in the simulation.