HCI Topic - Universal Availability & Social Inclusion For Videogames

One of the most prominent drivers for modern technological advances is videogames. The videogame industry is constantly and insistently pushing the boundaries of what current hardware and software are capable of. This, in turn, puts pressure on companies to release the 'next best thing'. Unfortunately, this desire often sweeps universal usability under the rug. This paper will take a deep look at how videogame developers currently offer options to make their games accessible to as many users as possible both with hardware and software designs. It will also look at UX & Human Factor principles on how the current implementation may be improved in the future.


Designed and developed by the Pattern Pandas

This is an application to replace the application the client/scientist currently has with a much more user-friendly interface. In this application, the user provides code with an antipattern present and uses blocky code, similar to the application Scratch, to assemble a psudeo regular expression. The software outputs a regular expression to go with that antipattern. Minimally, the app must be able outputs the regex to a text file. Additionally, an advanced mode made be made to allow users with computer science, or regular expression, experience to directly input and/or edit the regular expression for the antipattern the user is submitting.
