CS4760 Team 3: PG&E Energy Reducer

Project Description

The PG&E Energy Reducer is a web application for PG&E customers that allows them to visualize their heat and electric consumption through easily readable and understandable graphical representations. The app also shows trends and recurring energy spikes and gives the customer advice to help reduce their energy consumption as well as their energy costs.

Team Members

Developers: Peter LaMantia, Patrick Seidel, Nate Allsop, Zayne Pepin, Jack Snowden, Jack Hayes, Wes Alberg

Scientist: Sachin Fernandes

Usability Expert

Shoham Sheth is our usability expert. Here is his website:

Shoham's Site


Our project is configured to automatically deploy the latest main branch on GitHub. View the latest deployment here:

View Deployment

Scientist Pre-Interview Notes

Scientist Interview and Meeting Notes

App Design

Meeting Minutes

As of this time, we have been able to complete all required tasks during class. We will update this section if anything changes.

Burndown Chart

Interaction Design

Usability Testing