Assignment #2 - List Comparison


The Assignment:


A neatly written report is due in the CS2321 mailbox, which is in the CS office, before 5pm on the due date. Everything but the initial sketches should be done eletronically (type answers to questions and use Excel/OpenOffice/Matlab/gnuplot/etc. for graphs).
In order to help ensure a faster return from the grader, please do not submit the answers to the questions in a paragraph format. Just number your answers as follows (as if you were doing a math assignment):
  1. Answer to Question 1.
  2. Answer to Question 2.
  3. etc.

Consider the following checklist:

  1. Are the sketched versions of all THREE graphs included (two lines in each graph, one for ArrayList and one for DoublyLinkedList)?
  2. Are the post-testing versions of all THREE graphs included (two lines in each graph, one for ArrayList and one for DoublyLinkedList)?
  3. Just to double check, do you have SIX graphs total (three printed; three sketched)?
  4. Are all the questions answered?
  5. Do the graphs match what was requested?
  6. Are you displaying AVERAGE times (elapsed/samples) rather than the TOTAL times (elapsed)?
  7. Are the horizontal and vertical axis correct?
  8. Are the horizontal and vertical axis labeled?
  9. Do the graphs have titles?
  10. Are lines clearly marked and easy to read?
  11. Is all work neat and legible? (The grader will not grade work that is hard to read)

Grading Criteria: