Graphs Terminology

The next big step, graphs, can represent more then 3 dimensions. Graphs are used to represent many data structures ranging from airline routes to program code.

Illustrate: airlines and branching in programs

Types of graphs:


A graph consists of:

Edges, also called arcs, are represented by (u, v) and are either:

Then a graph can be:

Directed graph (di-graph) if all the edges are directed
Undirected graph (graph) if all the edges are undirected
Mixed graph if edges are both directed or undirected

Illustrate terms on graphs

End-vertices of an edge are the endpoints of the edge.

Two vertices are adjacent if they are endpoints of the same edge.

An edge is incident on a vertex if the vertex is an endpoint of the edge.

Outgoing edges of a vertex are directed edges that the vertex is the origin.
Incoming edges of a vertex are directed edges that the vertex is the destination.

Degree of a vertex, v, denoted deg(v) is the number of incident edges.
Out-degree, outdeg(v), is the number of outgoing edges.
In-degree, indeg(v), is the number of incoming edges.

Parallel edges or multiple edges are edges of the same type and end-vertices
Self-loop is an edge with the end vertices the same vertex
Simple graphs have no parallel edges or self-loops

Illustrate properties on graphs


If graph, G, has m edges then  Σv∈G deg(v) = 2m

If a di-graph, G, has m edges then  Σv∈G indeg(v) = mΣv∈G outdeg(v)

If a simple graph, G, has m edges and n vertices:

If G is also directed then m ≤ n(n-1)
If G is also undirected  then m ≤ n(n-1)/2

So a simple graph with n vertices has O(n2) edges at most

More Terminology

Path is a sequence of alternating vetches and edges such that each successive vertex is connected by the edge.  Frequently only the vertices are listed especially if there are no parallel edges.
Cycle is a path that starts and end at the same vertex.
Simple path is a path with distinct vertices.
Directed path is a path of only directed edges
Directed cycle is a cycle of only directed edges.

Sub-graph is a subset of vertices and edges.
Spanning sub-graph contains all the vertices.

Connected graph has all pairs of vertices connected by at least one path.
Connected component is the maximal connected sub-graph of a unconnected graph.
Forest is a graph without cycles.
Tree is a connected forest (previous type of trees are called rooted trees, these are free trees)
Spanning tree is a spanning subgraph that is also a tree.

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More Properties

If G is an undirected graph with n vertices and m edges:

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