Sample Solution to Exercise 2

Here is a collection of data files and a sample solution. The sample solution is due to John Eisbrener. I am Sorry for not being able to recall the names of all contributors of the sample input files.

File solution.tar.gz includes the following files:

  1. render-SunMESA, render-SunOpenGL, render-Linux and render-SGI.n32 are the executables for Sun using Mesa, Sun using Sun OpenGL, Linux and SGI n32 format.
  2. There are eight sample data files: pyramid.dat, prism.dat, dumb-bell.dat, tube.dat, nail.dat, John-Eisbrener, Robert-Kern.dat and Ian-Worden.dat. The following shows the results of these files.

    pyramid.dat tube.dat
    prism.dat dumb-bell.dat
    nail.dat John-Eisbrener.dat
    Robert-Kern.dat Ian-Worden.dat