Sample Solution to Exercise 4

File solution.tar.gz includes the following files:

  1. render.SunMESA, render.SunOpenGL, render.Linux and render.SGI.n32 are the executables for Sun using Mesa, Sun using Sun OpenGL, Linux using Mesa and SGI n32 format. This program is due to Chris Garnsworthy.
  2. There are six data files: Chris-Garnsworthy.dat, Ryan-Motel.dat, Josh-Schlicker.dat, Jeff-Tiller.dat, Ian-Worden-1.dat and Ian-Worden-2.dat. As you can see, the filenames are the names of the contributors.

    Chris-Garnsworthy.dat Ryan-Motel.dat Josh-Schlicker.dat
    Jeff-Tiller.dat Ian-Worden-1.dat Ian-Worden-2.dat