Reading List: Week 9

Course Material
Read the following units
  • Read the following sections of B-spline curves:
    1. Moving Control Points
    2. Modifying Knots
    3. Knot Insertion
    4. De Boor's Algorithm
  • Read the following sections of NURBS curves:
    1. Motivation
    2. Definition
    3. Important Properties

Programming Material
Practice the Curve subsystem of DesignMentor
  • Knot Insertion
  • De Boor's Algorithm
  • B-spline Curve Subdivision
  • Design a B-spline curve of degree p whose knots are 0, 0, ..., 0 and 1, 1, 1, ..., 1, where 0 and 1 are multiple knots of multiplicity p+1. Note that there is no internal knot. Convince yourself that this is actually a Bézier curve of degree p. Then, read the tutorial page for the details.