Course Introduction, Problem Types and Algorithmic Solution

Course introductions

Instructor: Robert Pastel

204 Rekhi

office hours



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Grading: Homework and Exams

Prerequisites are CS 2311 and CS 2321. I will assume that you are familiar with the data structures and algorithms taught in that these courses.


You may discuss the homework problems and solution in groups, but you must write up your own solutions.


The two exams (midterm and final) are closed books and notes.


Grades will be based on achievements on the homework and exams. The weight of the homework and exams:


Homework (6 assignments, equal weight)


Midterm exam


Final exam






Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms, 2nd edition, by Anany Levitin, Addison Wesley


The preface explains that introductory algorithms textbooks can introduce the material in one of two approaches:

1. Problem types

2. Algorithm types


Because the textbook stress algorithm design, it prefers to introduce the material by categorizing algorithms:


Brute Force

Divide and Conquer

Decrease and Conquer

Transform and Conquer

Space - Time Tradeoffs

Dynamic Programming

Greedy Algorithms

Iterative Improvements


In addition we will discuss problem complexity and algorithms for NP problems

Problem types

Nevertheless, problem classification is also important. Identifying the problem type may give you ideas about how to solve the problem. The introduction proposes the problem classification



Stable sorting

In place sorting



Search key


String Processing

A string

string matching problem


Graph Problems


Traveling salesman problem

Graph-coloring problem


Combinatorial Problems

Generating combinatorial objects: permutations


Geometric Problem

Ancient Greeks used ruler and compass, today we use the computer

Closest pair problem

Convex-hull problem


Numerical Problems

e.g. solving linear systems, optimizations of continuous functions

Course by itself, we'll not cover much


Algorithmic Problem Solving

The book proposes the sequence for developing algorithms


  1. Understand the Problem
  2. Ascertain the capabilities of the computers
  3. Choose exact or approximate solutions
  4. Decide on Data Structures
  5. Design algorithms
  6. Specify algorithms
  7. Prove correctness
  8. Analyze Algorithm
  9. Code Algorithm
  10. Maintain code



The procedure is generally iterative

  1. Understand the Problem

Recognize the problem or reduce the problem to another

Problem inputs, problem instances, boundary conditions and special cases


  1. Ascertain the capabilities of the computers

Space and time constraints

Sequential Algorithms or parallel algorithms


  1. Choose exact or approximate solutions

In CS generally we want exact solutions and/or all solutions

but numerical algorithm cannot give exact solutions, so must decide accuracy.


If the problem is NP then we may not be able to generate the exact solution in reasonable time.


  1. Decide on Data Structures

Algorithm + Data Structure = Programs


  1. Design algorithms

Study the algorithm categories


  1. Specify algorithms


Flow charts

Verbal description


  1. Prove correctness

Check that the algorithm really works. This not code debugging

Check boundary problem instances. I have been bitten many times


  1. Analyze Algorithm

Time and space efficiency


Generality - refractoring


  1. Code Algorithm

Choose the language


Check inputs


  1. Maintain code

I have added

Document and comment


Data Structures

Sequential Data Structures



Problem the most important

Computational machines are design to facilitate arrays

Minimum space

Fast random access by index

Problems growing - amortized growth?


 Link List

Nodes and pointers, header

No growth problem


Random access

Space concerns and caching


Stacks and Queues



Vertices and Edges (endpoints)

Adjacent vertices

Undirected and Directed Graphs, DAG

Sparse and dense graph

Representations: Adjacency Matrix or List

Weighted graphs

Paths and cycles






Nodes and edges

Free trees and Forests

Rooted trees

Children and parents

Ordered Trees

right and left children


Sets and Dictionaries

elements and sometimes keys

Universal set and bit vectors

Multiset or bag

Set operations