CS4321 Mid Semester Review

A chronological review

Asymptotic Notation

Big-O, Big-Theta, Big-Omega

What is the meaning of them?
What are the definitions?

What are the meanings of the parameters in the definitions?

Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency

Basic operational Unit, what are its criteria?

Best case, worst case, average case


Iterative Algorithm

How to identify from pseudo code?

What is initial step? A sum, more properly called a series.

How to solve the series? Basic series: series of constant, series of linear sequence


Recursive Algorithm

How to identify from pseudo code?

What is initial step? Write the recursive formula. Do not forget IC.

How to solve the recursive formula?

Backward substitution

Variable substitution and Smoothness rule

Masters Theorem

Brute Force

Not much interesting, except interesting problems

String Matching

Closest-Pair and Convex-Hull

Knapsack and Assignment

Divide and Conquer

What is the algorithmic technique?


Merge Sort

What is the technique? What is the merge?

What is the basic operation? What is the cost? How to determine it?


Quick Sort

What is the technique? What is the partitioning?

What is the basic operation? What is the cost? How to determine it?


Binary Search

What is the technique? Why must it use an Array?

What is the basic operation? What is the cost? How to determine it?


Binary Tree

What algorithm did we discuss? Height.

What kind of algorithm?

What is the basic operation? Why?

How did we solve? Counted internals and externals. What is the relationship?



What is the basic algorithm? How did it get started?

What is the important to check and show?

Any other important details?

What is the recursive formula? T(n) = 2T(n/2) + M(n)



What is the basic algorithm? How did it get started?

What did it look for? Pmax

What are the different regions?

What is the cost?

Decrease and Conquer

How is this different from divide and conquer algorithms?


Insertion Sort

What is the basic algorithm?

What is the cost?

When to use?


Depth First Search, Breath First Search

What kind of algorthms?


Topological Sort

What kind of graphs?

What is it?

What are the algorithms? There are two.


Generating Permutations

Why generate permutations?

What algorithms? There are two.

What is the problem with bottom up?

What is the general technique of Johnson Trotter?

What annotation and definition does it use?


Selection Problem

What is the k-th satistics?

What is the basic algorithm? What algorithm is it similar to?

What is the trick?

What is the cost?

Transform and Conquer

What part of the problem can we transform? The instance, the data structure, problem



What is the technique? What is typically the cost?

How to compute the mode?


Heaps and Bottom up Heap Construction

What is the basic Algorithm?

Can it be done in place?

What is the cost?

Horner's Rule

What is it for?

What is the cost difference?


Problem Reduction

What is it?


Space and Time Tradeoffs

What is this concept?

Funny that memory is more constrained then processor hardware.


Horspool's Algorthim

For what problem?

What is the space? The shift table

What is the basis of the Algorthim?

How does the shift table work?

What is the cost of constructing the shift table?

What is the worst case cost?


Boyer-Moore Algorthim

For what problem?

What is the space? The shift tables

What is the basis of the Algorthim?

What are the shift tables?

How due they differ from Horspool's

What is the cost of constructing the shift table?

What is the worst case cost?

Dynamic Programming

Not part of the mid semester exam


Exam Problem Types

1. Definitions, Theorems and Formulas

2. Determine Cost

3. Illustrate algorithms

4. Create Algorithms


An analysis by problem type

Definitions, Theorems and Formulas

These are more or less rote problems.

What are the important Definitions, Theorems and Formulas?

Determine Cost

Naturally this comes from the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency

Illustrate Algorithm

What algorithm?

Closest Pair

Convex hull



Topological Sorting


Johnson Trotter

Bottom-up Heap construction



Create Algorithm

No suggestions, but if you have done the home work it should not be to difficult.