CS3331 Grade Listing

Important Notes

A blank entry in the grade is a missing grade, which means you did not submit a program or did not take an exam. A zero (i.e., 0) entry indicates that you received a zero for that program or exam.

You will not receive a passing grade in the course unless you receive a passing grade on the exams alone (i.e., 60%). Likewise, you will not receive a passing grade in the course unless you receive a passing grade on the programming assignments alone (i.e., 60%).

If you receive a * next to Prog/Avg, Exam/Avg, or Avg, you should work harder for the remaining programming assignments and exams, because you are failing.

Always check if the recorded grades are identical to those marked on the graded programs and papers.

CS3331 Grade Listing
April 24, 2019

0: 0 point     space: no submission
*: may fail this course

           100   100    70  100  100 470
       #    P1    P2   HM1  EX1  EX2 Sum  AVG
       1   100    97    61   88   86 432   92
       2    96   100    45   79   85 405   86
       3    93    99    51   52   55 350   74
       4    94               70      164   35
       5    88    95    42   83   75 383   81
       6    87    98    57   75   67 384   82
       7    99   100    48   80   78 405   86
       8   100   100    53   57   66 376   80
       9    99   100    65   60   81 405   86
      10   100   100    56   85   87 428   91
      11   100    90    49   83   72 394   84
      12    60    88    52   57   64 321   68
    Min     60    88    42   52   55 164   35
    Max    100   100    65   88   87 432   92
    Avg     93    97    53   72   74 371   79
 Median     98    99    52   77   75 389   83
  StDev     11     4     7   13   10  72   15

How to make a case regarding your graded programs and exams?

  • We anticipate that grading related problems will surface throughout this semester. If you disagree with what the grader did, you should do the following:
    1. Explain why you are correct. Show me a convincing argument. Something like "I did this and this by accident" and "my program ran fine on my machine and/or on one of the lab machines" are not acceptable excuses. You must show the grader missed something. Note that the grader only grade what you have in the program and its output.
    2. Mark those places you may disagree with the grader and print a detailed note explaining why you are correct.
    3. Staple your graded program and your printed notes available in my mailbox in the Department office.
    4. I will make a decision regarding if a re-grade is necessary.
  • You can make a case within one week from the day the graded programs are available for pickup. After this seven-day period, I will assume you accept the recorded grade.
  • You should follow the same procedure to request an exam regrade.