Bounded Buffer

The bounded buffer problem is discussed in virtually every textbook. The program below extends the basic idea in our text a little. We have equal number of producers and consumers. Each of the producers keeps putting positive integers into a shared buffer, while each of the consumers retrieves the data from the buffer. What makes the following program different is that each producer only puts a fixed number (i.e., Max_Run) of integers into the buffer. After this, the producer puts an EOD into the buffer and exits. On the consumer side, if the number retrieved is an EOD, the consumer exits. Since the number of producers and the number of consumers are equal, and since each producer adds exactly one EOD and each consumer consumes exactly one EOD, eventually all producers and all consumers will stop. In our text, producers and consumers loop forever!

Click here to download a copy of this program.

#include  <stdio.h>
#include  <stdlib.h>
#include  <thread.h>
#include  <synch.h>

#define   MAX_SIZE      5                /* buffer size              */
#define   MAX_THREADS   5                /* # of producers/consumers */
#define   EOD          -1                /* end of data mark         */

sema_t    UntilNotFull;                  /* if buffer is not full    */
sema_t    UntilNotEmpty;                 /* if buffer is not empty   */
sema_t    BufferLock;                    /* to lock the buffer       */
sema_t    ScreenLock;                    /* to lock the screen       */

int       Buffer[MAX_SIZE];              /* the buffer array         */
int       in, out;                       /* pointers in and out      */

int       Max_Run;                       /* max # of deposit/withdraw*/

void  Fill(char x[], int n)
     int  i;

     for (i = 0; i < n*2; i++)
          x[i] = ' ';
     x[i] = '\0';

void *Producer(void *voidPTR)
     int   *intPTR = (int *) voidPTR;
     int   ID      = *intPTR;
     int   i, data;
     char  filler[100];

     Fill(filler, ID);
          printf("%sProducer %d started ...\n", filler, ID);

     for (i = 0; i < Max_Run; i++) {     /* for each iteration       */
          thr_yield();                   /* rest for unspecified time*/
          sema_wait(&ScreenLock);        /* lock the screen          */
               printf("%sProducer %d is waiting for an empty slot\n",
                       filler, ID);      /* display a message        */
          sema_post(&ScreenLock);        /* release the screen       */

          data = ID*10000 + i;           /* generate a data item     */
          sema_wait(&UntilNotFull);      /* wait until buffer !full  */
               sema_wait(&BufferLock);   /* lock the buffer          */
                    Buffer[in] = data;   /* deposit data             */
                    in         = (in + 1) % MAX_SIZE; /* advance in  */
                    printf("%sProducer %d has added %d to the buffer\n",
                            filler, ID, data);
               sema_post(&BufferLock);   /* release buffer           */
          sema_post(&UntilNotEmpty);     /* tells consumer data is in*/

     thr_yield();                        /* rest for unspecified time*/
     sema_wait(&UntilNotFull);           /* done here.  send EOD     */
          sema_wait(&BufferLock);        /* it is the same as above  */
               Buffer[in] = EOD;
               in = (in + 1) % MAX_SIZE;
               printf("%sProducer %d adds EOD and exits\n",
                      filler, ID);

void *Consumer(void *voidPTR)
     int   *intPTR = (int *) voidPTR;
     int   ID      = *intPTR;
     int   i, data;
     char  filler[100];

     Fill(filler, ID+10);
          printf("%sConsumer %d started ...\n", filler, ID);

     do {                                /* iterate until EOD        */
          thr_yield();                   /* rest for unspecified time*/
          sema_wait(&ScreenLock);        /* lock the screen          */
               printf("%sConsumer %d is waiting for an item\n",
                       filler, ID);      /* display a message        */
          sema_post(&ScreenLock);        /* release the screen       */

          sema_wait(&UntilNotEmpty);     /* wait until something in  */
               sema_wait(&BufferLock);   /* lock the semaphore       */
                    data = Buffer[out];  /* take the data item       */
                    out  = (out + 1) % MAX_SIZE;   /* advance out    */
                    if (data != EOD)     /* if it is not EOD         */
                         printf("%sConsumer %d has taken %d from the buffer\n",
                                filler, ID, data);  /* display data  */
               sema_post(&BufferLock);   /* release the buffer       */
          sema_post(&UntilNotFull);      /* tell producer slot avail */
     } while (data != EOD);              /* do until EOD is seen     */

          printf("%sConsumer %d receives EOD and exits\n", filler, ID);

void  main(int argc, char *argv[])
     thread_t   pID[MAX_THREADS];        /* producer ID              */
     thread_t   cID[MAX_THREADS];        /* consumer ID              */
     size_t     pStatus[MAX_THREADS];    /* producer status          */
     size_t     cStatus[MAX_THREADS];    /* consumer status          */
     int        pArg[MAX_THREADS];       /* producer argument        */
     int        cArg[MAX_THREADS];       /* consumer argument        */
     int        Threads;                 /* # of producers/consumers */
     int        i;

     if (argc != 3)  {
          printf("Use %s #-of-iterations #-of-producers/consumers\n", argv[0]);
     Max_Run = abs(atoi(argv[1]));
     Threads = abs(atoi(argv[2]));
     if (Threads > MAX_THREADS) {
          printf("The no. of producers/consumers is too large.  Reset to %d\n",
          Threads = MAX_THREADS;

     printf("Parent started ...\n");

     sema_init(&ScreenLock, 1, USYNC_THREAD, (void *) NULL);
     sema_init(&BufferLock, 1, USYNC_THREAD, (void *) NULL);
     sema_init(&UntilNotFull, MAX_SIZE, USYNC_THREAD, (void *) NULL);
     sema_init(&UntilNotEmpty, 0, USYNC_THREAD, (void *) NULL);

     in = out = 0;                       /* in and out start with 0  */

     for (i = 0; i < Threads; i++) {     /* start consumers first    */
          cArg[i] = i + 1;
          thr_create(NULL, 0, Consumer, (void *) &(cArg[i]),
                     0, (void *) &(cID[i]));
     for (i = 0; i < Threads; i++) {     /* followed by producers    */
          pArg[i] = i + 1;
          thr_create(NULL, 0, Producer, (void *) &(pArg[i]),
                     0, (void *) &(pID[i]));

     for (i = 0; i < Threads; i++)       /* wait producers/consumers */
          thr_join(cID[i], 0, (void *) &(cStatus[i]));
     for (i = 0; i < Threads; i++)
          thr_join(pID[i], 0, (void *) &(pStatus[i]));

     printf("Parent exits ...\n");