Waiting for a Thread's Completion


In many cases, a thread has to wait until some other threads terminate. This is the job of function thr_join(). The syntax of thr_join() is:

int thr_join(
       thread_t wait_for,  /* thread we are waiting  */
       0,                  /* 0 is fine with use     */
       void **status);     /* status in thr_create() */
A call to thr_join() indicates that the caller wants to wait until the completion of some thread.


Click here to download a copy of the following program.

#define   MAX_ITERATION  200

void  *ThreadA(void *DontNeedIt)
     int  i;

     for (i = 1; i <= MAX_ITERATION; i++)
          printf("Thread A speaking: iteration %d\n", i);

void  *ThreadB(void *DontNeedIt)
     int  i;

     for (i = 1; i <= MAX_ITERATION; i++)
          printf("     Thread B speaking: iteration %d\n", i);

void  main(void)
     thread_t  FirstThread, SecondThread;
     size_t    StatusFromA, StatusFromB;

     thr_create(NULL, 0, ThreadA, (void *) NULL, 0, &FirstThread);
     thr_create(NULL, 0, ThreadB, (void *) NULL, 0, &SecondThread);

     thr_join(FirstThread, 0, (void *) &StatusFromA);
     thr_join(SecondThread, 0, (void *) &StatusFromB);