Group 6: Microbit
What is the Goal?
The Microbit is a low-cost hardware platform that is used to introduce both computer programming principles and to facilitate maker activities, like making wearables. It's already widely used by K-12 educators for computing activities
This project will graph and stream data real-time from microbits. Allowing the finer inspection of data sent from the microbits. This data can also be downloaded in a csv format for even more inspection.
- Stream data from one or more microbits
- Download data to a CSV file
- Display graphs of microbit sensors real-time
This project is also open source!
Check it out here!
Recent Deliverables:
Final Client Review
This document can also be found under 'Scientist Meeting Notes'.
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Instructor: Dr. Robert Pastel
- Ryan Philipps
- Sam Stevenson
- Tyler Marenger
- Jared Schrauben
- Wiley Roemer
- Brandon Searle
Technical Writers
- Sarah Linbeck
- Liam Andersen
- Scott Sviland
- Ted Nachazel
Graduate Student Reviewers